Monday, December 23, 2019
Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia Disorders in Pregnant Women
Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia Disorders In Pregnant Women Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are disorders in pregnant women. Pre- eclampsia is hypertension and eclampsia is the worsening of pre-eclampsia where the woman experiences convulsions or goes into a coma. The complication of eclampsia in a pregnant woman can put her and her unborn child at risk. A risk that may be fatal. This is only to briefly define the disorders. Furthermore, I predict that women who have suffered from eclampsia do need future medical help due to the permanent damage caused in the physiological make up of the body. I will prove this by means of statistics, nationwide studies, and explaining the damage to the body. To give a complete definition of eclampsia we†¦show more content†¦Where the speed of the fluid is lower the pressure is higher; where the speed of the fluid is higher the pressure is lower. Kinetic energy plays a role; where the speed of the fluid increases and so does its kinetic energy. Many women dont realize that pre-eclampsia can also be gin during labor or after deliver (one third of pre-eclampsia is manifested before labor, one third of cases occur during and another one third take place during deliver). After hearing the physiological theories behind high blood pressure, we get into the symptoms. For pre-eclampsia the symptoms are high blood pressure or swelling with rapid of weight gain, headaches, nervousness, intermittent blurred vision and undue fatigue. These are reasons why blood pressure and weight and a urinalysis are performed at each prenatal visit is to make sure pre-eclampsia is not developing. Many of the symptoms are normal during pregnancy. The real tests are blood pressure and the absence or presence of protein in the urine. In eclampsia its more severe; from convulsions to coma. There is blindness, brain hemorrhaging, renal failure, hypertension and arrhythmia; the damages are permanent that leave the mother having to change her life style after the delivery of her child. As with pre-eclampsia, eclampsia can affect every organ and body system, causing either permanent damage or death of theShow MoreRelatedHigh Blood Pressure Among Pregnant Women959 Words  | 4 Pagesamong pregnant women is a common occurrence, especially during the second and third trimester. Hypertension is a result of high blood pressure and can cause increased cardiac output and blood volume. In pregnant women, this is called pregnancy-induced hypertension. Hypertension along with proteinuria, protein excretion in urine, is known as pre-eclampsia. If left untreated, pre-eclampsia can lead to eclampsia. 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