Monday, December 23, 2019
Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia Disorders in Pregnant Women
Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia Disorders In Pregnant Women Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are disorders in pregnant women. Pre- eclampsia is hypertension and eclampsia is the worsening of pre-eclampsia where the woman experiences convulsions or goes into a coma. The complication of eclampsia in a pregnant woman can put her and her unborn child at risk. A risk that may be fatal. This is only to briefly define the disorders. Furthermore, I predict that women who have suffered from eclampsia do need future medical help due to the permanent damage caused in the physiological make up of the body. I will prove this by means of statistics, nationwide studies, and explaining the damage to the body. To give a complete definition of eclampsia we†¦show more content†¦Where the speed of the fluid is lower the pressure is higher; where the speed of the fluid is higher the pressure is lower. Kinetic energy plays a role; where the speed of the fluid increases and so does its kinetic energy. Many women dont realize that pre-eclampsia can also be gin during labor or after deliver (one third of pre-eclampsia is manifested before labor, one third of cases occur during and another one third take place during deliver). After hearing the physiological theories behind high blood pressure, we get into the symptoms. For pre-eclampsia the symptoms are high blood pressure or swelling with rapid of weight gain, headaches, nervousness, intermittent blurred vision and undue fatigue. These are reasons why blood pressure and weight and a urinalysis are performed at each prenatal visit is to make sure pre-eclampsia is not developing. Many of the symptoms are normal during pregnancy. The real tests are blood pressure and the absence or presence of protein in the urine. In eclampsia its more severe; from convulsions to coma. There is blindness, brain hemorrhaging, renal failure, hypertension and arrhythmia; the damages are permanent that leave the mother having to change her life style after the delivery of her child. As with pre-eclampsia, eclampsia can affect every organ and body system, causing either permanent damage or death of theShow MoreRelatedHigh Blood Pressure Among Pregnant Women959 Words  | 4 Pagesamong pregnant women is a common occurrence, especially during the second and third trimester. Hypertension is a result of high blood pressure and can cause increased cardiac output and blood volume. In pregnant women, this is called pregnancy-induced hypertension. Hypertension along with proteinuria, protein excretion in urine, is known as pre-eclampsia. If left untreated, pre-eclampsia can lead to eclampsia. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Battery Rule Free Essays
In every social gatherings and institution, ethics and moral regarding one’s thoughts, actions and verbal expression should constantly observed to avoid any morally and physically damaging results from an inappropriate engagement of certain individuals. For social institutions and gatherings involving authority aspect, every individual especially those with superior authority must cautiously observe the said ethical principle. Take for example the case that occurred in the Betts Lincoln-Mercury Dealer Company involving the physical damage incurred by an employee resulting from the inappropriate horse playing of the president during an office party. We will write a custom essay sample on Battery Rule or any similar topic only for you Order Now The sequel of the event at the office party led to the legal pursuit of Caudle, the employee, suing the president of the company for his inappropriate action leading to serious nervous damages to the former. However, the president countered by saying that the action was part of the horseplay of the entire group during the party and that he had not intended to hurt anyone specifically the plaintiff. In the aspect of ruling for this case, one must actually and critically consider the event scenario and the ethical aspect of it. It is not clearly indicated in the case whether Caudle is involve in the collective term of the group that participated in the horseplay during the office party thus this author will consider him to be excluded. Because of which, this author argues that the plaintiff did not participate from the horse playing thus it is very much inappropriate for the president who is involved to play the said trick on him. Another argument is that, it is a known fact that the electric auto condenser that is involved in the incident posts a risk of shock for anyone who holds it. Because of which, playing with the said item on a very vital nervous spot mainly the back of the head right below the temporal of the brain and posterior of the spinal cord is very much inappropriate since it can lead to serious nervous damages. Because of the said arguments and reasons, this author strongly rules with the side of plaintiff wherein president Betts indeed committed an action that led to serious nervous damages though without any grave intentions. His must indeed be responsible for his actions and thus must compensate the victims for the reported damages and complications. How to cite Battery Rule, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Health and Social Care Essay Sample free essay sample
Health A ; wellbeing:Health and wellbeing can alter over clip and vary between different civilizations and life phases. Health and wellbeing can be described as the absence of physical unwellness. disease and mental hurt. This is a negative definition of wellness and wellbeing. Health and wellbeing can be described as the accomplishment and care of physical fittingness and mental stableness. This is a positive definition of wellness and wellbeing. Health and wellbeing as a consequence is a combination of physical. societal. rational and emotional factors. This is a holistic definition of wellbeing. 1. A holistic definition of wellness: When looking at person holistically. we are non merely concentrating on unwellness. or specific parts of the organic structure. Holistic wellness is an attack to a person’s life style. and considers the whole individual based on a combination of their physical. rational. emotional and societal factors. Jay is a personal trainer ; he offers a great illustration of person with a holistic attitude to wellness. He keeps ( physically ) tantrum as he eats a balanced diet and exercises on a regular basis. He learns about different preparation schemes and reads books ( rational ) . He is merrily committed in relationship with his girlfriend ( emotional ) . He meets many different people as he trains and competes in competitions across different gyms over the UK ( societal ) . Maslow’s hierarchy of demands:Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs represented as a pyramid with five degrees of demands is a motivational theory in psychological science that argues that while people aim to run into basic demands. they seek to run into in turn higher demands in the signifier of a hierarchy. The four degrees ( lower-order demands ) are considered as basic demands. while the top degree is considered growing demands. The lower degree demands need to be satisfied before higher-order demands can act upon behaviour. Both holistic and Maslow’s hierarchy of demands are really similar. This is because they both have the same construct. as they look at all facets ofwellness. 2. A positive definition of wellness:A positive construct towards wellness and unwellness could be defined as believing that being healthy is a province which is achieved through continual attempt. Peoples with this attack believe that by taking regular exercising and looking after their organic structures will maintain them good. By and large people with a positive attack to wellness believe that they are responsible for their ain wellness. If a individual with a positive attitude becomes ill they are likely to fault themselves if they develop symptoms of an unwellness. For illustration. person who is really reasonably and adores their organic structure. nevertheless they know that they may be somewhat over-weight and in order to remain healthy they should lose some weight. 3. A negative definition of wellness:A negative construct towards a individual could be towards their wellness as they may be in denial or refusal based on the fact that they may non hold an exact unwellness but their attitude based on the manner they live their life might be incorrect and the individual does non understand that. Frankie Cocoza’s a premier illustration of person with a negative attitude towards his wellness. ‘’ what’s a drink one time in a piece. I’m merely seeking to bask life while I’m still young’’ . This shows that he is in denial about non being healthy. This is a negative attitude towards your wellness. Overall holistic definition of wellness expressions at every facet of a person’s wellness and wellbeing. whereas negative and positive definitions of wellness are merely one sided. This means that positive merely looks at the good and negative merely looks at the bad facets of a person’s wellness. I believe that a holistic definition of wellness is the most efficient as I think it is best to look after all parts of your wellness. for illustration your physical. rational. emotional and societal facets with a holistic attitude. Social building: Social building is something that is invented by members of a civilization or society that will merely be because people accept. agree and act in that peculiar manner. An illustration of this is societal category. Social category is where person fits into a peculiar society based on their working category such as lower. in-between and upper category. This is determined by a person’s business. income and degree of instruction . Social position. which is besides another illustration of societal building. is the rank that an single holds in a societal hierarchy based upon honor or prestigiousness. For illustration. the place of a adult male in his family group helps find his place in the larger community. Social building involves 4 classs ; * Time* Topographic point* Life phase* CultureTime: Many unwellnesss have merely been recognised late after many old ages. For illustration cholera. before used to be known as something that can non be cured and if you had it than you were being punished by God or caught the disease through bad air called miasma. In this twenty-four hours and age with the aid of engineering. scientists have found out that this is really caused by contaminated H2O. Topographic point: The country you live in determines how people see you. For illustration if a individual lives in a metropolis and another individual lives in a rural country. automatically people begin to believe that the individual who lives in the metropolis has had a better upbringing and lifestyle due to where they live. This may be because people believe that the metropolis have good paid. higher criterion occupations. But populating in a rural country would intend that you do non hold a good paid occupation. This means that people will judge you on the topographic point you come from and populate. Life phase: Person who is born with a disablement. for illustration they are unsighted. Automatically people begin to presume that they are handicapped. However. they are non disabled because they were born with this kind of disablement. The kid grows up with the recognition that they have been born with non being able to see. If the kid was non born blind. this will do them many troubles as it will be difficult for them to set to life without being able to all of a sudden non see. as they have experienced portion of their life when they could. This makes it more hard to cover with instead than a individual who is born as they would be used to it. Culture: An first-class illustration of civilization is matrimony. This is something that exists wholly within the human society and is complete with specific regulations. ethical motives and outlooks. Society has created certain thoughts about how matrimony is supposed to look. every bit good as. how it is supposed to be fulfilled by an person. As you can perchance find. a huge sum of our civilization is socially constructed. this means that it has a set of regulations that are determined by society’s caprices. and tendencies. Factors: 1. ) Physical. diets. exercisings2. ) Social. emotional and cultural3. ) Economic4. ) Physical environmental factors5. ) Psychological factors. emphasis. relationships6. ) Health monitoring. illness bar Physical: Claire has many physical factors that prevent her from acquiring on with her mundane life. A physical factor that affects Claire’s life style is to a great extent smoking. ‘’cigarette fume contains about 4. 000 different chemicals which can damage the cells and systems of the human organic structure. These include at least 80 chemicals that can do malignant neoplastic disease ( including pitch. arsenic. benzine. Cd and methanal ) nicotine ( a extremely habit-forming chemical which hooks a tobacco user into their wont ) and 100s of other toxicants such as nitrile. C monoxide and ammonium hydroxide. ’’ – hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bbc. co. uk/health/physical_health/conditions/smoking_health_effects. shtml Heavily smoking can do many jobs for Claire ; for illustration lung disease. this causes a trouble in external respiration. This is because bantam atoms settling in the deepnesss of the lungs. Besides chronic bronchitis is caused by pitch in coffin nails. The pitch stimulates the goblet cells to bring forth mucous secretion. Smoking amendss your blood vass and increases your hazard of bosom disease and shot. It can besides impact how good your blood circulates. and hence O. fluxing around your organic structure – for illustration. you may detect you frequently have cold custodies and pess. which is a consequence of non adequate blood acquiring to them. If Claire gives up her heavy modus operandi of smoking her blood force per unit area would easy diminish. returning to normal. Another physical factor set uping Claire’s wellness is her un-healthy diet. this is holding a negative consequence on Claire as she can non command her eating wonts which consequences in her comfort feeding.
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