Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Business Meeting in Hong Kong †Free Sample Available
Question: Situation: A business bunch from another nation has offered to buy an establishment of Sandwich Blitz. Dalman and Lei are extremely intrigued and very energized for this open door for their business to enter the serious universal commercial center. A gathering has been orchestrated between Dalman, Lei, and three agents from the business gathering to talk about the subtleties of the proposed establishment. Dalman and Lei have consented to venture out to the business bunches nation for the gathering. They understand this is a significant gathering since it includes organizing with key people who will intensely impact the result of this endeavor to grow the business. They additionally understand that the qualities and standards in the other nation might be totally different from their own. For the motivations behind this Discussion, pick a nation other than your own and direct an online hunt to find out about the social standards, business and meeting practices, and qualities in the nation that you select. (Refer to your outside sources.) Preceding the gathering, what are a few things that Dalman and Lei need to think about the other nation and the business gathering with the goal that they can build up and keep up a decent compatibility and make the best of this chance to grow Sandwich Blitz into the worldwide commercial center? Incorporate data about welcome customs and nonverbal conduct as they apply to the convention for Dalman and Leis meeting with the gathering. Answer: Conference in Hong Kong This gathering in Hong Kong is the most behavior structure that gives a base to nail a business bargain. In this gathering there are numerous motions through welcome each other and numerous kinds of non-verbal interchanges that are considered as a sentiment of regard and appreciation. These fundamental motions that should be followed in the gathering of Sandwich Blitz are to take arrangements in earlier much before the gathering (Dobsons, Richard (2010). Along these lines once the gathering is fixed the agents must show their business cards and these business cards are to be composed on both the sides is liked and ought to be written in both the dialects that are English and Chinese. There is additionally specific clothing that the business representatives should deal with, for example, the men ought to be wearing for the most part dim shades. There are hardly any close to home motions that likewise have been found in these gatherings like the manner in which they welcome each other by bowing down which is required among the Chinese. In spite of the fact that the other remote agents are ignorant about these signals however they invite it with deference (Fox, Sue (2007). Likewise there are numerous things that should be considered before beginning a gathering, for example Dalman and Lei must know about all the data with respect to Sandwich Blitz however since Lei doesn't know about hardly any things it could cause a little bother in the progression of the gathering. The desk work ought to be done before initiating the gathering or, more than likely it would give a negative disposition about the individuals accountable for the gathering (Zhou, Cathy (2010). Likewise the non-verbal communication of the customers must be generally excellent in light of the fact that the greater part of the choices made in business are incredibly affected by the motions of the customers during the whole gathering. References Dobsons, Richard. China Cycle,p. 20. 2006. 8 Feb 2010.Fox, Sue. Section 19: On the Go: Travel Manners for Land, Sea, and Air . Etiquette for Dummies (2007): 319. Web. 21 Jan 2010. Zhou, Cathy. Chinese Etiquette and Culture, p. 26. 2005. Gotten to 21 Jan 2010.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Chinese-Americans and the Transcontinental Railroad
Chinese-Americans and the Transcontinental Railroad The Transcontinental Railroad was a fantasy of a nation set on the idea of Manifest Destiny. In 1869, the fantasy was made a reality at Promontory Point, Utah with the association of two railroad lines. The Union Pacific started development of their rail in Omaha, Nebraska progressing in the direction of the west. The Central Pacific started in Sacramento, California progressing in the direction of the East. The Transcontinental Railroad was a dream of a nation however was incorporated by the Big Four: Collis P. Huntington, Charles Cocker, Leland Stanford, and Mark Hopkins. Advantages of the Transcontinental Railroad The advantages of this railroad were gigantic for the nation and the organizations in question. The railroad organizations got somewhere in the range of 16,000 and 48,000 for every mile of track in land awards and sponsorships. The country increased a fast section from east to west. A trek that used to take four to a half year could be cultivated in six days. Be that as it may, this incredible American achievement couldn't have been accomplished without the phenomenal exertion of Chinese-Americans. The Central Pacific understood the huge undertaking in front of them in the development of the railroad. They needed to cross the Sierra Mountains with a grade of 7,000 feet over just a 100-mile range. The main answer for the overwhelming undertaking was a lot of labor, which immediately ended up being hard to come by. Chinese-Americans and the Building of the Railroadâ The Central Pacific went to the Chinese-American people group as a wellspring of work. Initially, many scrutinized the capacity of these men that arrived at the midpoint of 4 10 and just gauged 120 lbs. to accomplish the work vital. Be that as it may, their difficult work and capacities immediately eased any apprehensions. Truth be told, at the hour of finishing, most by far of laborers from the Central Pacific were Chinese. The Chinese worked under difficult and deceptive conditions for less cash than their white partners. Indeed, while the white laborers were given their month to month pay (about $35) and food and haven, the Chinese settlers got just their compensation (about $26-35). They needed to give their own food and tents. The railroad laborers impacted and scratched their way through the Sierra Mountains at incredible hazard to their lives. They utilized explosive and hand devices while hanging over the sides of precipices and mountains. Tragically, the impacting was not by any means the only drawback they needed to survive. The laborers needed to bear the extraordinary cold of the mountain and afterward the outrageous warmth of the desert. These men merit a lot of credit for achieving an assignment many accepted incomprehensible. They were perceived toward the finish of the challenging assignment with the respect of laying the last rail. In any case, this little token of regard could not hope to compare to the achievement and the future ills they were going to get. Bias Increased After the Completion of the Railroad There had consistently been a lot of partiality towards the Chinese-Americans yet after the fruition of the Transcontinental Railroad, it just turned out to be more awful. This partiality went to a crescendo as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, which suspended movement for a long time. Throughout the following decade, it was passed again and in the end, the Act was restored uncertainly in 1902, in this manner suspending Chinese movement. Besides, California ordered various oppressive laws including exceptional duties and isolation. Applause for the Chinese-Americans is long past due. The administration in the course of the most recent few decades is starting to perceive the huge accomplishments of this significant portion of the American populace. These Chinese-Americans railroad laborers assisted with satisfying the fantasy of a country and were essential in the improvement of America. Their aptitude and determination have the right to be perceived as an achievement that changed a country.
Monday, July 27, 2020
Skipping a Bill Payment This Month Think Again
Skipping a Bill Payment This Month Think Again Skipping a Bill Payment This Month? Think Again Skipping a Bill Payment This Month? Think AgainOne negative mark or past due bill payment on your credit report can take years to repair.If you’re juggling bills come the end of the month (or the beginning), it can be tempting to let one of them slip on by. Sure, you’ll pay a late fee. But that’s a price you may be happy and willing to pay! Unfortunately, skipping a bill payment or making a late payment can result in a much heftier price tag than initially meets the eye..Here’s the truth: While there are a number of actions that can tank your credit score, one late payment on your credit report could end up impacting your credit score for years to come. Unfortunately,when it comes to credit scores, the effects of negative behavior far outweigh the effects of good behavior â€" and that damage can take quite a long time to fix.How do credit scores work?Credit scores are like a letter grade for your trustworthiness as a borrower. They are based on the inform ation contained in your credit reports, which track your history as a credit user during a seven-year-time period. You have three different credit reports, one each from the three major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.The original credit score â€" the FICO score â€" was created by Fair, Isaac and Company and debuted in 1989. FICO scores are based on a scale from 300 to 850. The higher your FICO score, the better your credit. While there are other competitors â€" notably VantageScore â€" FICO scores are still the most commonly used type of credit score out there.While the exact formula for creating FICO scores is a closely-guarded secret â€" and evolves over time â€" the general scoring system goes like this:Payment history (35%): Paying your bills on time is important. In fact, your payment history is the single most important factor in your score.Amounts owed (30%): The more debt you owe â€" especially unsecured consumer debt â€" the m ore likely that you will have trouble making all your payments.Length of credit history (15%): The longer you’ve been responsibly using credit, the better.Credit mix (10%): The more diverse your mix â€" personal loans versus credit cards versus auto loans versus student loans, etc. â€" the better.Recent credit inquiries (10%): Requests for additional credit resulting in hard credit pulls, can be a sign that’s something amiss â€" especially if there are many requests in a shorter period of time.Your credit reports contain a ton of different information drawn from lenders, landlords, some utility companies, and even from the public record. Some of that information can help your score, while other information can hurt it. But even if you have a ton of “good†marks on your credit, a few “bad†marks can hurt your credit for years to come.Negative credit info positive credit info“Your credit score is affected by a variety of factors both positive and negative,†explained CPA Logan Allec, owner of personal finance site Money Done Right. “A positive factor would be an open credit card that is actively used and always paid off on time. A negative factor would be a credit card that has a missed payment.â€Unfortunately, a negative factor can have a longer lasting impact that a positive factor, he says.If that doesn’t seem fair, well, it helps to examine things from the opposite perspective.One way to think about the impact of a negative factor is to recognize the purpose of a credit score. “At its core,†Allec said, “a credit score is designed to show banks and lending institutions whether or not you are likely to pay your debts.Your credit history is sort of like your driving record. A single mistake can easily outweigh years of impeccable behavior. e. Paying your bills on time, making all of your monthly payments, and monitoring your debt loads can take some diligence â€" true â€" but that diligence is exactly the kind of behavior that traditional lenders are looking for in potential customers.How long before your credit score recovers?“Unfortunately, even though a credit score can be hit by a simple missed payment, it can take significant time to raise your credit score as you demonstrate your creditworthiness,†Allec said.And “significant time†doesn’t mean a matter of months. It means years. Smaller negative marks like a new credit inquiry or two will stop affecting your score within a year (at most), but more serious bad marks like bankruptcies could affect your score for well more than half a decade. In fact, bankruptcies stay on your report longer than most information: 10 years!Still, there are no easy fixes to improve a bad credit score, although there are some programs and services out there that may be able to help. However, consistently paying your bills on time is the best way.“The key tip for increasing your credit score is to never miss a payment,†Allec said. “Some practical tips to make sure you never miss a payment are to set calendar alerts on your phone to remind yourself to pay off your card every month or set up automatic card payments if your bank allows it.â€As you continue to make your payments on time and reduce your debt loads â€" ideally to zero, but below 30% of your open credit limits will do just fine â€" the effects of negative marks will start to fade and the amount of positive information on your account will increase.But before you decide to miss your due date or skip out on one of your bills altogether this month, take a second to think through the long term consequences. By opting to not pay that bill now, you could end up paying way more in higher interest rates and fees in the years to come.ContributorsLogan Allec is a CPA and owner of the personal finance website Money Done Right. After spending his twenties grinding it out in the corporate world and paying off more than $35,000 in student loans, he dropped everything, and in 2017, launched Money Done Right. His mission is to help everybody â€" from college students to retirees â€" make, save, and invest more money. He resides in the Los Angeles area with his wife Caroline. Follow him on Twitter @moneydoneright.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Revenge In Hamlet Essay example - 1535 Words
What do you consider to the main theme(s) of Hamlet? Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a complex play where many themes are intertwined – themes that are essential to the development of the play. The issue of death and disease, both physical and emotional is very prevalent throughout the duration of the play, as well as fate and divine providence. The play also questions madness and whether it can be feigned, as well as corruption and its moral implications. Of course, who could forget the famous ‘To be or not to be’ soliloquy, where Hamlet not only questions life and death, but many of life’s other uncertainties as well. Undoubtedly, the most essential theme in the development of Hamlet is revenge and question ‘Does revenge pay?’ Revenge is†¦show more content†¦Following the King’s outburst after watching the performance, Hamlet confronted his mother and began to insult her infidelity to her dead husband. Meanwhile, Polonius, a faithful member of the King’s council, was hiding behind a decorate rug that was adorning the wall in Gertrude’s room. Hamlet sensed his presence and thinking that it was Claudius, plunged his dagger through the rug. This causes much grief and sadness for many people. During this period, Hamlet treats his ‘girlfriend’ Ophelia (Polonius’ daughter) in a shocking manner, calling her a whore and denying her his love. This, coupled with her father’s death causes her to go mad and eventually commit suicide. This was a particularly sad death because Ophelia was just an innocent bystander in a cruel plot for revenge. Also hurt was Laertes (Polonius’ son). Laertes believes that it was the king that killed his father, but the king quickly puts Laertes on Hamlets trail and pushes him to avenge his fathers murder. From this point on, Hamlet and Laertes become the main characters in the play - two characters driven by revenge. Meanwhile, Hamlet is still talking about all his plans for revenge. During act 2, Hamlet realises his acts of revenge so far have been through word rather than deed. â€Å"O, vengeance! Why, what an ass am I! This is most brave, That I, the son of a dear father murder’d, Prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, Must,Show MoreRelatedRevenge in Hamlet1070 Words  | 5 Pagesmost tragic story lines of Shakespeare’s plays, Hamlet is definitely one of them. In William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet, Fortinbras, Hamlet and Laertes each demonstrate the ways revenge leads to tragedy when they are unable to cope with the loss of a loved one. Young Fortinbras has intentions of honoring his father’s loss by gaining the territory that was rightfully theirs. The lengths he is willing to go compare to Hamlet’s determination to seek revenge upon his uncle, and father’s murderer, ClaudiusRead MoreEssay on Revenge in Hamlet912 Words  | 4 Pageslanguage. Shakespeare wrote hundreds of pieces, from sonnets to plays. Hamlet is one of his most well-known plays. There isn’t any shortage of revenge in Hamlet, and so that is the theme we’ll be discussing. Hamlet and Laertes are the most obvious character with revenge in their minds, and that’s who we’ll be focusing on throughout the essay. Two months before the beginning of the play, the King Hamlet dies. The King shows himself to two guards, Barnardo and Francisco, atRead MoreTheme Of Revenge In Hamlet1763 Words  | 8 PagesRevenge is one of the deepest instincts common to humanity. Different people emit different purposes of revenge and are most likely filled with an internal confliction of emotions. Once that individual gets his/her revenge, a feeling of justice is established in the mind. Unfortunately, many people blindly take revenge without thinking of their actions or the consequences and believe that they will be able to move on after they take revenge. Revenge is ultimately placed in the hands of the impatientRead MoreRevenge Themes in Hamlet1077 Words  | 5 PagesIn the play ‘Hamlet written by William Shakespeare in Elizabethan times, the theme of revenge is a constant throughout the plot. Not only does it underlie almost every scene, but it also has a major effect on the story as a whole. Two of the main revenge plots within the play are Hamlets aim to avenge his father by killing his uncle, the king Claudius, and Laertes aim to avenge the murder of his father by killing Hamlet. These two revenge plots play a major role in presenting to the audience theRead MoreRevenge In Hamlet Essay1900 Words  | 8 PagesHamlet is visited by his father’s ghost who ultimately gives him the task of enacting revenge upon Claudius, but because of his suppressed resentment he clashes with the idea of achieving retribution for his father. In addition â€Å"Sigmund Freud, in a letter to Wilhelm Fliess, announced that he had found in his own development all the symptoms of the Oedipus complex and that he was coming to consider â€Å"love of the mother and jealousy of the father†(Faber pg. 79). Hamlets impulsive actions seem to beRead MoreTheme Of Revenge In Hamlet792 Words  | 4 PagesRevenge is something most people seek when they are hurt by someone or a loved one of theirs is hurt. Revenge can be a physical or verbal action toward someone. In William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, the play has a major theme of revenge. Many of the characters in the play are seeking revenge, such as Hamlet, Claudius, and Laertes. Some of the characters are seeking revenge due to their father’s deaths, and others are encouraging someone to seek revenge. The theme revenge can lead to death is seenRead More Revenge In Hamlet Essay1109 Words  | 5 Pages Hamlet nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Hamlet is a classic example of a tragedy as Hamlet suffers while trying to avenge his fathers death and eventually dies at the end while attempting to do so. Hamlet feels empty without resolution to his fatheramp;#8217;s death and since there is no justice system that is going to reveal the truth about his fatheramp;#8217;s death, he must take it into his own hands. Hamlet delays killing Claudius for a long time after the ghost appears. Hamlet delays hisRead MoreRevenge And Justice In Hamlet968 Words  | 4 Pagessaid, â€Å"Revenge is the act of passion, vengeance is an act of justice.†Many people seek revenge and try to disguise it as justice. Revenge can either be justifiable or unjustifiable based on the circumstances of the offense. Someone’s vengeance can be the establishment of justice, but revenge is not always justice. Revenge is defined as the action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their han ds (Webster Dictionary). Justice is based on actions while revenge is basedRead MoreRevenge in Hamlet Essay1152 Words  | 5 PagesIn his play Hamlet, William Shakespeare frequently utilizes the word â€Å"revenge†and images associated with this word in order to illustrate the idea that the pursuit of revenge has caused the downfall of many people. He builds up the idea that revenge causes people to act recklessly through anger rather than reason. In Hamlet, Fortinbras, Laertes and Hamlet all seek to avenge the deaths of their fathers. Hamlet and Laertes manage to avenge their father’s deaths and in doing so, both rely more on theirRead MoreEssay On Revenge In Hamlet723 Words  | 3 Pages Hamlet essay â€Å"An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth†is a widely known statement referring to revenge, though many don’t know the origins of the saying. The thing is, however, is it truly that simple? Or does revenge cause more problems than it solves? In the case of the play Hamlet, written by Shakespeare in the sixteenth century, it could be argued that it changes the way that people would look at revenge and put a spotlight on its complexities. In Hamlets quest for revenge for his father’s
Friday, May 8, 2020
Edward J. Larson´s Summer for the Gods The Scopes Trial...
Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and Americas Continuing Debate Over Science and Religion concentrates on the Scopes trial, otherwise called the Monkey Trial, which happened in Dayton, Tennessee in the mid year of 1925. The trial occurred in excess of a Tennessee law that banned the educating of human development out in the open schools. The American Civil Liberties Union needed to test the law, and a junior instructor named John Scopes, consented to help them. The alleged trial of the century united the well known government official and speaker, William Jennings Bryan, who headed the opposition to development campaign; and Clarence Darrow, who was viewed as the best criminal protection legal advisor of the time. The two men, plus their individual direction, clashed in the trail with the indictment in the end ready to maintain the law. In the first segment of the book, Larson lays the basis for the trial by analyzing the socio-political connection in the United States throughout this time. While development and religion had coincided generally concordantly throughout the mid nineteenth century, more fossil findings, the ascent of religious fundamentalism, and expanded participation in broad daylight secondary schools affected the ascent of the opposition to advancement development in the United States. The development, headed by William Jennings Bryan, contended that advancement speculations were risky and ought not be taught inside the general population schoolShow MoreRelatedHumans s Views On The Evolution Of The World And The Life That Inhabits It1869 Words  | 8 Pages THESIS: Humans who believe in creationism are usually resistant to the views of scientists on the development of the world and the life that inhabits it, but their views continue to be challenged by the empirical evidence of biology and science. This bringing attention to the question, will resistance toward evolution ever let up? OUTLINE: I. Introduction II. Creationism A. Definition of Creationism 1. Opposed to evolution a. Charles Darwin 2. Protection of Beliefs b. CurriculumRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 PagesManaging the team 9.3.2 Team building activities 9.2.4 Virtual teams Team performance [] Conflict management Recognition and awards Defining the Project 4.1 Project charter 5.1 Gather requirements 5.2 Defining scope 5.3 Creating a WBS 5.4 Tools and techniques 6.1 Define activities 9.1.2. Responsibility matrixes 10.1 Communication planning (.2.3.4) [App. G-4] Chapter 12 Outsourcing 12.1.1 Procurement requirements [G.8] Contract types ConflictRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturersRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesbuilt-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit www.mymanagementlab.com to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Kim S. Cameron UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prentice Hall Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle River Amsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City Sao Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Self in a Social World Free Essays
L. I am but a mass of tanned skin, black-brown hair, intimidating eyes, relatively normal features, and limbs and extremities of regular length stuck onto a body of less than average height with a slight belly to match. I have never seen myself as physically fit, exactly, nor do I see myself as someone head-turning gorgeous like a lot of my friends are. We will write a custom essay sample on The Self in a Social World or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are a lot of things about me that I want to desperately change in a physical sense, because really, I am nothing above typical. Regular mood swings are a norm for me, hormonal imbalance or none, though I ant say I’m emotionally unstable. You might say I’m sensitive; I’m easily touched, easily ticked off, easily pleased, easily hurt. I tend to be intense and extreme with my emotions, and very vocal about it too. Without a venting outlet, my emotions may be easily displaced. My mood is often dangerous and difficult to control, like wildfire. Sometimes, I think of myself as a mirror; how I behave depends on the people I’m with. If he’s the shy type, I’m the shy type. If she’s bubbly and talkative, then that’s me as well. The only time this doesn’t work is when the person I’m with is a loud and obnoxious ass. Normally when there are plenty of people I don’t know, be it walking around the Magic complex or sitting in a classroom full of people I don’t know, I’m very guarded and conscious of my actions, making me look cold and quiet sometimes. This stems from my intense fear of public embarrassment, I think. But once Vie settled in a little niche, especially with the people who are close to me, the loud, wild and sometimes shameless little monster inside of me comes out with a vengeance. He. I’m not exactly a socially-awkward person, nor am I totally socially-adept. I’m either mainstream nor hipster, trendsetter nor wallflower either. Truth is, I’m really just somewhere in between all that. And I like where I am. I’m not the type to be easily swayed by new trends, habits, practices and opinions, sans political opinions because I am so pathetically apathetic on those matters. Only in recent years have I begun to be as friendly and cordial as I can to new people I meet. I often try to keep my mood and behavior in check when I’m with my friends as well, because even though they know about it, I don’t want to show them the ugly side of me that I only how myself. Now, even if I didn’t graduate as the class valedictorian and simply made it with a humble Honorable Mention medal, that hasn’t stopped me from thinking of myself as fairly smart. I have intelligent parent’s and relatives and I think that’s influenced me plenty. I do read and write a lot. I pick up a lot of things from books and movies and my father to be able to do those well, so much that I was able to conquer my fear of public speaking. Although it doesn’t apply all the time, I do pick up on things rather easily, making schoolwork lighter for me than most of my friends think so. Still, I don’t think that highly of myself in this matter. I am not special, and again, nothing above typical. II. Physical: 1 . ) Physically fit 3. ) Attractive 4. ) Has dimples Emotional: 1 . ) Emotionally stable 2. ) Intense with her feelings 3. ) Short-tempered 4. ) Sensitive 5. ) Happy-go-lucky Behavioral: 1 Careful 2. ) Competitive 3. ) Energetic 4. ) Perfectionist Social: 1 Friendly 2. ) Sociable 3. ) May come off as intimidating and difficult to approach Cognitive: 1 . Above average 2. ) Intelligent 3. ) Witty 4. ) Competitive Ill. For the Physical aspect of the survey, to everything aside from the typical â€Å"average height, brown shoulder-length hair†, I say â€Å"WHAT? †I was honestly laughing at the number of people who responded with ‘physically fit’ and ‘sexy, because not only is one of them awkward to read, I also don’t find the other one true at all. I always berate myself for my thighs and my arms and my belly that seem to be growing a hundred miles per hour. The responses in the survey make me think one of two things: 1 . Maybe it’s all in my head after all or 2. They’re Just saying that because they don’t want to make me feel bad. And to be honest, the second one seems a lot more plausible to me. Because, really, I can’t see this body as ‘physically fit’ at all. Other than that, almost everything else I read off the survey answers were pretty much things I’m aware of or I already knew about myself. It makes me think how transparent I really am of a person, even to people I haven’t been friends with for over a year. This fact assures me somehow, and I seem to take it as a good thing. Since Vie always hated people who are fake and ‘plastic’, two-faced people who only care about looking good in front of other people, it’s good to know that people are seeing me as I really am, even the rough spots and the dark sides, and that I’m not one of those people I absolutely loathe. It’s nice to know I haven’t completely turned into the person I swore I’d never become. You’d probably expect me to say something like â€Å"This survey activity has opened my eyes and inspired me to change, etc. †but no, that’s the exact opposite of what Vie realized. I realized that there’s really nothing to change after all. I already like everything myself, my short-temperateness, my faux icy demeanor, and even my that. Lastly, I thank my friends who responded honestly to this survey. I got to see how other people saw me, something Vie always been curious about, and I learned, based on how fast I ran out of survey forms, how many people I actually consider as friends who also see me the same way. Also, based on the fact that I’m still friends with these people, I realized how much they’ve accepted me, despite all my shortcomings as a person and as a friend. How to cite The Self in a Social World, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
What makes a good meal an Example by
What makes a good meal A good meal is one that has the desirable qualities which distinguish it from ordinary meals (American Heritage Dictionary). Need essay sample on "What makes a good meal" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Therefore, a good meal should be tasteful, healthy and nicely served. This includes proper selection of ingredients, food preparation, cooking, garnishing and presentation and considering the time and environment of the meal. Making a good meal starts by selection of ingredients. Always select canned and dried food first. Cans should be intact i.e. no bulging, leaking or dentations. Sell-by date should be looked for in every purchase. Dry food (e.g. spices) should be well contained or enveloped (air-tight) to keep the flavor and aroma. The second purchase is for fresh vegetables and green herbs (e.g. parsley, green beans). Green vegetables should be vividly green with no yellow patches on leaves. The package should be uniform with no other herbs included. Finally, refrigerated food, poultry, fish or meat are the last to be selected. Any purchase that is felt worm to touch or packed in a leaking package should be discarded. Once at home, preparation of the meal starts by proper handli ng. The main objective is to prevent a possible food poisoning that may result from growth of bacteria. Therefore, always keep the food in the refrigerator till its use, keep every thing clean (utensils, hands, towels, cutting boards) and do not allow juices of fish, poultry or meat to reach readily prepared other ingredients. Marinating serves the purpose of tenderizing the meat so it cooks faster and become juicier. The basic elements of a marinade are a mixture of vinegar and/or lemon juice, a finely chopped onion, herbs and spices. Additional elements are added according to what is marinated are yogurt or wine for poultry, olive oil for fish and Soy sauce for meat. Spices (the dried parts of aromatic plants except the leaves) can be hot as dried hot chilies, black or white pepper or ginger or they can be mild as dry coriander. Fresh herbs (basil, mint, parsley) and spices serve to change basic foods into flavored ones. The best marinating methods is to put the marinade and the ingred ient in a nylon bag, mix well then squeeze to get the air out, tightly seal and put in the fridge for 2-4 hours. A good delicious meal does not necessarily mean that it should be unhealthy. A report released by the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, the American Academy of pediatrics and the National Institutes of Health; stated six rules for a healthy diet namely: A variety of food, mostly of plant origin should be included. A meal is to include starch in the form of bread, rice, pasta or cereals. A meal is to have low fat content ( Cooking methods are many. They include baking, boiling, grilling, roasting and steaming. Choosing a particular method depends on the flavors and nutrients one wants to keep without adding or consuming extra amounts of fat. Baking is used for cooking bread, potato and sweat potato in addition to poultry and fish. The concluding step of preparing a good meal is presentation. It does not only mean garnishing and preparing the plate, but it should occupy the five senses of the guest. Seeing or garnishing the plate, table clothes, and possibly flowers and/or candles. Accompanying soft music should occupy the sense of hearing. Smelling the aroma of the food, tasting the meal and the served beverage and touching whatever he/she can reach. The most important single item is garnishing the plate and it should start by the ingredients of the meal itself as regards colors texture of sauces and fresh green or colored vegetables added at the end. As regards the rim or edge of the plate, it can be decorated using a pt of red, yellow and green pepper or use cut pieces of vegetables (carrot, potato, or green beans) that are geometrically matching the main item in the plate. Always keep in mind that the additions should add color, flavor and preferably nutritious value to the meal. To practically apply the principles discussed, a baked fish fillet meal will be described: Selection: A good fish fillet is characterized by being moist, firm and elastic. It should have a fresh mild odor (fish odor comes with time). It should have fresh non colored or dry cut edges. Preparation: If fish fillet is bought frozen, it should be allowed to thaw gradually. Avoid thawing in room temperature. Ingredients: 1- Two tablespoons of olive oil. 2- Half a cup of finely chopped onion and another half a cup of chopped green bell pepper. 3- One tablespoon of all purpose flour. 4- Half tablespoon of fried marjoram leaves and a quarter tablespoon of thyme leaves. 5- One can of canned tomatoes. 6- One pound (4 pieces) of cod fish fillet. 7- Salt and black pepper to taste. Cooking: Put olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Put the chopped onion and stir till it becomes pinkish, then add green bell pepper. Add marjoram, thyme, salt and black pepper. Add the canned tomatoes gradually. Stir till the sauce is thickened. Get a baking dish, brush it with olive oil, and arrange the fish. Add the sauce and put in a preheated oven (400 degrees F) for 12-15 minutes. Works Cited American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. 4th edition. Pub. Houghton Mifflin e-reference. Tanne, J. H. One diet fits all. BMJ, 1999. 318: 1646
Friday, March 20, 2020
Causes of Childhood Obesity essays
Causes of Childhood Obesity essays Childhood obesity is a huge concern among society. Not only does it affect a child physically, but it affects them mentally and emotionally as well. Healthy eating habits must be enforced by parents to prevent adulthood obesity that originally stemmed from childhood obesity. The diet of the child begins at home, and the parents should be held responsible for any declining health issues resulting from a poor diet. Who would have ever thought something as simple as a McDonalds dinner treat on a Friday night would progress to the point of McDonalds being a part of a childs diet? What ever happened to home cooked meals that included the major food groups to keep a childs diet intact with the daily living requirements? Or better yet, a parents grocery cart is filled with more junk food and microwavable items high in sugars, carbohydrates, and fats instead of fruits and vegetables. "Good dietary habits start at home. If parents are eating poorly, chances are their kids are too." said resea rch scientist Susan H. Babey, a co-author of the policy brief (LiveScience). With that being said, the diet of the child begins at home and any declining health issues from a poor diet, the parent should be held responsible. Many people get being overweight and being obese confused. Overweight is defined as having excess body weight for a particular height from fat, muscle, bone, water, or a combination of these factors. Obesity is defined as having excess body fat. Body mass index (BMI) is the measurement in which is used to determine if a child is obese. There are two systems in determining obesity. This BMI differs from an adult because instead of actual numbers, child BMI uses percentiles and is age- and sex- specific. Children BMI percentile charts are used from 2- 19 years of age and it correlates the amount of body fat change with age and how it differs between boys and girls (CDC). If a child falls into the 85th to ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Five More Reasons Why You Should Consider Private School
Five More Reasons Why You Should Consider Private School Some of the popular reasons why parents look at private school as an education option for their children include smaller classes and superb facilities. However, there are other important reasons why families choose to send their children to private school. Individual Attention Most parents want their children to have as much personal attention as possible. After all, you spent enormous amounts of time nurturing them when they were infants. If you can make it happen, you want them to receive as much individual attention as possible in school as well. If you send your child to a private school, it is most likely that she will be in a small class. Independent schools often have class sizes that range from 10 to 15 students, depending on grade. Parochial schools have slightly larger class sizes typically in the 20 to 25 student range. With a lower student to teacher ratio, teachers are able to give each student more individual attention. Another important aspect of increased individual attention is that discipline problems tend to be less frequent. There are two primary reasons why: most students are in private school because they have a strong desire to learn and, secondly, many private schools have more consistent enforcement of codes of conduct. In other words, if a student misbehaves or breaks the rules, there will be consequences, and those may include expulsion. Parental Involvement Private schools expect parents to be actively involved in their childs education. The concept of a three-way partnership is an important part of the way most private schools work. Naturally, the degree of participation and involvement will probably be greater if you have a child in preschool or elementary grades than if you are the parent of a high school student or a child away at boarding school. What kind of parental involvement are we talking about? That depends on you and the amount of time which you can devote to helping out. It also depends on your talents and experience. The best thing to do is to observe and see where you can fit in. If the school needs a gifted organizer to run the annual auction, then help out as a committee member for a year or two before offering to take on the lead role. If your daughters teacher asks you to help chaperone a field trip, thats an opportunity to show what a great team player you are. Academic Differences Most private schools do not have to teach to a test. As a result, they can focus on teaching your child how to think, as opposed to teaching her what to think. Thats an important concept to understand. In many public schools, poor test scores can mean less money for the school, negative publicity, and even the possibility that a teacher could be reviewed unfavorably. Private schools dont have those pressures of public accountability. They must meet or exceed state curriculum and minimum graduation requirements, but they are accountable only to their clientele. If the school does not achieve the desired results, parents will find a school which does. Because private school classes are small, your child cannot hide in the back of the class. If she does not understand a math concept, the teacher will probably discover that pretty quickly and can address the learning issue on the spot, rather than waiting weeks or months to fix it. Many schools use a teacher-guided approach to learning so that students discover that learning is exciting and full of possibilities. Since private schools offer all kinds of educational methods and approaches ranging from very traditional to very progressive, it is up to you to choose a school whose approach and philosophy meshes best with your own aims and objectives. A Balanced Program Ideally, you want your child to have a balanced program in school. A balanced program can be defined as equal parts academics, sports, and extracurricular activities. In private school, most students take part in sports as schools try to achieve that kind of balanced program. At some private schools, Wednesdays are a half-day of formal classes and a half-day of sports. In boarding schools, there may be classes on Saturday mornings, after which students participate in team sports. Sports programs and facilities vary greatly from school to school. Some of the more established boarding schools have sports programs and facilities which are finer than those at many colleges and universities. Regardless of the scope of a schools sports program, what is really important is that every child is required to participate in some athletic activity. Extracurricular activities are the third component of a balanced program. Like compulsory sports, students must participate in an extracurricular activity. Many private schools have extensive music, art, and drama programs, so there are many extracurricular activities to choose from. As you begin to explore school websites, review the sports and extracurricular activities as carefully as you review the academic curriculum. Make sure that your childs interests and needs are properly met. You should also note that intramural sports and most extracurricular activities are coached or supervised by faculty members. Seeing your math teacher coaching the soccer team and sharing your passion for the sport makes a huge impression on a young mind. In a private school, teachers have the opportunity to be exemplars in many things. Religious Teaching Public schools are required to keep religion out of the classroom. Private schools can teach religion or not, depending on the mission and philosophy of the particular school. If you are a devout Lutheran, there are hundreds of Lutheran owned and operated schools in which your beliefs and practices will not only be respected but taught on a daily basis. The same is true of all the other religious denominations. Article edited by Stacy Jagodowski
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Describe and evaluate the main macroeconomic policies used by the Essay - 3
Describe and evaluate the main macroeconomic policies used by the Government and Central Bank of Brazil over the last two years - Essay Example een undergoing a phase of sharp economic slowdown as inflation in the country has continued to slide up the scale to touch its highest level in the decade, with 12 month rolling inflation index (ICPA) clocking in at 7.70%, significantly above the country’s Central Bank target of 6.5%. It must be noticed that this is the highest inflation rate prevailing in the country even since May 2005, when the rates touched 8.05%. Brazil’s Central Bank plays with the policy of interest rate of the country in a bid to control the inflation in the country, as well as regularize the country’s currency (Media, 2015). Just recently Brazil’s Central Bank raised its interest rates for the third time in a row to touch the 12.75% level. The main motive behind the increase in the country’s discount rate was to control the rising inflation engulfing the economic spheres of the country, along with being in line with the monetary tightening stance taken by the Central Bank. A look further into the past tells us that in line with the slowdown being witnessed in the Brazilian economy, the Central Bank had cut its growth prediction for the country by a phenomenal 90 basis points to 0.7%. Essential to notice here is the fact that such low growth figures are below are generally below what other Latin American economies have forecasted, with the exception of Argentina and Venezuela. Taxation has also been a key cause of concern in the Brazilian economy. Within the time span of the last two years the government had given incentives to many industries to stimulate demand, for instance by giving tax breaks to the auto sector. However, knowing where Brazil currently stands at the moment, the current Government will have to take some non-populist measures including abandoning the incentives provided to various industries. The last two years have also seen changes in the country’s investment environment despite various efforts taken by the government and the Central Bank to control the
Sunday, February 2, 2020
What effect did Hollywood's 'Golden Era' and the Studio System have on Dissertation
What effect did Hollywood's 'Golden Era' and the Studio System have on Film Production today - Dissertation Example ‘Motion pictures evolved from stage presentations when portable movie cameras were invented. â€Å"Magic Lantern†shows were popular in the late 19th century, but they required an artist to design and perform a show. The show itself could not be duplicated, merely moved to another venue. Thomas Edison invented the Kinetoscope, a box with a hand crank with which to run film over a lamp, similar to a â€Å"peep show†. Its limitations were obvious; the design limited the audience to one viewer. Louis Lemià ¨re improved on the Edison technology with a hand held motion picture camera which could feed a film through a claw device. Once the film was shot and developed, the camera acted as a projector, and in conjunction with the magic lantern, large audiences could view the film together.’ (Sklar, 1993, p.22-5) ‘At first, films served to bring distant places or recorded acts to vaudeville and burlesque shows. These films were brief, often only a minute or t wo. Travelogues and news dominated early film. At the same time projected movies developed, mass production newspapers became popular. In many ways, early film competed against newspapers and only supplemented stage shows.Motion pictures’ advantages included realism, global appeal, reproducibility, visual reports and propaganda value.’ (Sklar, 1993, p.26-7) ‘The urban environment of the early 20th century consisted of immigrants and a faster paced lifestyle compared to the farm. Industrialization sped life up a bit. A two minute news film could be viewed at a commuter train station, and the viewer did not need to know the language since the films were silent or accompanied by a musical score.’ (Sklar, 1993, p.28) ‘In the beginning of the film industry, the artistry of camera work was as much the spectacle as the scene itself, and time did not a flow naturally. Modern films move a story forward temporally while the first films were more analogous to i nstant replays, showing the action from differing angles.’ (Sklar, 1993, p.33) ‘The Brighton School of Filmmakers, a British group, experimented with and developed camera angles, moving camera shots, close-ups and point-of-view shots. This innovative technology allowed films to tell more compelling stories, and â€Å"modern†cinema was born. ‘(Sklar, 1993, p.37) ‘When films told stories, they competed with live stage, vaudeville and burlesque. Rather than embrace this innovation, vaudeville and burlesque rejected the new technology and films moved to permanent movie houses, theaters known as nickelodeons.’ (Sklar, 1993, p.47) Now entertainment and news were combined to compete in the urban market. The very early film industry was confused. Harold Lloyd wrote, directed, produced and starred in his own productions. Mack Senate produced and directed his films, but often wrote them as the cameras were rolling, an advantage in silent films. Howard H ughes bought the RKO studios, but kept his office at Goldwyn’s. The Golden Age of Hollywood served to organize and industrialize film making. In the Henry Ford image of mass production, producers and directors were meant to turn out volume. As movie houses began to win the competition with stage performances, and innovation such as talkies emerged, many old vaudeville performers entered the film industry as a more profitable means of entertaining. ‘Notably the Marx Brothers and other ensemble casts became movie stars. Irving Thalberg of MGM studios market researched his audience reactions by sending the Marx Brothers on the road to perform their musical
Saturday, January 25, 2020
What is Faith?
What is Faith? What is faith? Many, both inside and outside Christianity, ponder this question every day. How can we define faith, and how can we better understand what true faith looks like? More importantly, what kind of faith does God expect of us? Every one of us exhibits faith in something every day; we have faith that the bus driver knows how to drive the bus, we have faith that the pilot knows how to fly the plane, we have faith that the school teachers know how to educate our children, and for Christians we have faith that God is real and that Jesus died on the cross so our sins can be forgiven. Faith isnt something that we should exhibit only when things are going well, when we feel our circumstances prove that God is real. Corrie ten Boom, most famous for her work helping to hide Jews during WWII said When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you dont throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.[1] This is true for faith; when something happens and life gets a little dark, we dont assume God has lost control and were headed into a mountain, instead we should trust God all the more, understanding that He has full control. But faith is far more than just this vague belief that God is in the drivers seat, or that whatever happens God will get us through that dark tunnel. In Hebrews 11:1 it is written Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Faith is truth and trust, [2] yet how many of us have the kind of faith that can completely trust in God regardless of our situation? Theres a story about the missionary Hudson Taylor during his first trip to China. Aboard a sailing ship, at one stage there was no wind, and they were close to islands inhabited by tribes of cannibals. With the islands, and cannibals, getting closer the captain asked Hudson if he would pray. Hudson agreed, but only if the captain set the sails, ready for the breeze. With no sign of wind the captain declined, but Hudson stood fast and refused to pray until the sails had been set, ready for the wind he had faith God would send. The captain, eventually, agreed and the crew set the sails, while Hudson set about the task of asking God for the wind to fill them. Sometime later there was a knock at the door and the captain asked Hudson if he was still praying for God to send wind. Hudson indicated he was, to which the captain replied you better stop praying for we have more wind than we can manage![3] Hudson Taylor had no doubt God would send the wind; he had faith in God. In Hebrews 11 we see examples of other expressions of faith, expressions that may seem unbelievable unless you first believe that to God, nothing is impossible. In verse 3 we read that by faith we understand that the entire universe was formed at Gods commandà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦[4] None of us were there to see this, to witness this great event, and yet by faith we believe and accept this event occurred just how the Bible describes it. Similarly it was by faith that Noah built the Ark even when there was no sign of rain, or when Abraham left his homeland to take his family to a faraway land hed never seen, or when Abraham took the son he had been told would bless the world to offer him as a sacrifice.[5] These events describe how great faith led to a great event; a second chance for all creatures in the Ark, or a new nation that would someday bless the whole world, yet not every instance of great faith resulted in something most would see as positive. In Hebrews 11:35-37 it is written: But others were tortured, refusing to turn from God in order to be set free. They placed their hope in a better life after the resurrection. Some were jeered at, and their backs were cut open with whips. Others were chained in prisons. Some died by stoning, some were sawed in half, and others were killed with the sword.[6] These verses describe people who, because of their faith, refused to reject Jesus even in the face of torture and death. Their faith caused them to trust in salvation and an eternal life, placing God above their own lives. It is only when we come to understand faith as the kind of faith that makes you force a ships captain to set sails while there is no sign of wind, to build a huge ship when there is no sign of rain, or to face torture and death rather than renounce your beliefs, that we approach the level of faith we see throughout the Old and New Testament. In Psalm 26:1 it is written Declare me innocent, O Lord, for I have acted with integrity; I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.[7] Faith is trusting, without wavering. Psalm 37:3-5 Trust in the Lord and do goodà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Take delight in the Lord Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.[8] All of these describe faith in God, a faith that will see you trust Him through the dark tunnels, when you are stuck in a windless calm, when you are asked to fulfil a ridiculous task, or even when faced with death. True faith will trust God in every situation, no matter what we may face. [1] William K. Volkmer, These Things: A Reference Manual For Discipleship (San Antonio: The Passionate Few, 2016), 249. [2] Charles C. Ryrie, Basic Theology (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 1999), 377. [3] J. Don Jennings, Lifes Great Adventure: Walking With God (Maitland, FL: Xuton Press, 2011), 252-253. [4] Hebrews 11:3 NLT (New Living Translation). [5] Hebrews 11:7-10, 17-19 NLT (New Living Translation). [6] Hebrews 11:35-37 NLT (New Living Translation). [7] Psalm 26:1 NLT (New Living Translation). [8] Psalm 37:3-5 NLT (New Living Translation).
Friday, January 17, 2020
Wayne Williams Case Study Essay Essay
On July 28 1979, a woman found two males bodies alongside a road. This later was named the â€Å"Atlanta Child Murders†. Between 1979 and 1981, a total of 20-30 African-Americans disappeared in Atlanta, Georgia. They were mostly murdered by strangulation or asphyxiation. A whopping 29 homicides were proved to be linked to the same killer. Police did not have a huge amount of forensic evidence to track down the killer. They only had the evidence of fibers from the bodies and clothing of the victims. The fibers were unusual ones. Some of the fibers were yellow-green nylon and some had a cross section shape to them. The fibers apparently were used in rugs or carpets. In February 1981, the killer began dumping bodies into the Chattahoochee River. The victims found were completely or almost completely in the nude. Supposedly, the killer was watching media coverage of the killings. That helped him modify his methods to get rid of the fiber evidence on the victim’s bodies. Police then started to watch and search bridges along the river. This is all in an effort to catch the killer possibly doing his methods of dumping a body. Early on the morning of May 22, 1981, a police patrol heard a splash in the river. That caused Police to stop and check out what they heard or saw. They found a station wagon on the James Jackson Parkway Bridge. They found out the driver was 23-year-old Wayne Williams. Wayne Williams was a music promoter. He was questioned by police, but was then allowed to leave after a polygraph test, which came back inconclusive. On May 24 1981, the body of Nathaniel Cater was found from the Chattahoochee River about a mile from James Jackson Parkway Bridge. A single strand of yellowish- green nylon fiber was found on his body. A search warrant for Williams’‛ house was given to police. They found carpet similar to the yellow-green fibers found in the early victims in his house. They had to be conclusive enough to tie Williams to the murders. The police needed to demonstrate that these carpet fibers were not normally found in houses throughout Atlanta. Police found in his home a book detailing how to ‘beat’ polygraph tests. They also found statements from colleagues working in Williams’ studio stating he had been seen covered in scratches around the time of the murders. Chemists at DuPont also the world’s largest producer of fibers helped the FBI. FBI analysts passed the fibers through a device that stretches fibers giving it optical properties. This allowed the FBI to trace these fibers to a Georgia carpet manufacturer. over a 12 month period from 1970 – 1971 the factory only made 16,397 square yards of carpet of this certain fiber and color which was English Olive. Police did some calculations and found out that the probability of finding a room in the metropolitan area of Atlanta that had carpet in that shade was 1 in 7,792. Wayne Williams was thought to be linked to 28 to 30 killings. Police and prosecutors decided on a plan to focus on just two cases, which were the Nathaniel Cater, and Jimmy Ray Payne cases. Those bodies were semi-nude and where recovered from the Chattahoochee River on April 27, 1981. In the latter case, police had also found a fiber on the shorts of the victim, which were similar to fibers found in Wayne Williams’s station wagon. Chevrolet gave details on the number of pre- 1973 vehicles with this type of carpet in them. Police found out that only 680 out of 2 million registered cars were carpeted with this type if carpet. That meant the odds of the victim encountering this fiber from any other car than Williams’‛ were 1 in 3,828. Even though not all this evidence may be enough to convict someone of murder, consider that the odds of both events happening was 1 in 29,827,776. The fiber evidence was the key to all, which was determined. On 27 February 1982, Williams was found guilty of the murder of two victims. Those victims where a Nathaniel Carter and Jimmy Ray Payne. He was sentenced to two terms of life imprisonment. Even though he was not charged with additional counts of murder, it was suspected that Williams was responsible for more of the Atlanta murders. He remains in prison at the age of 58 to this day.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Knowing How and When to Correct Students in Class
A crucial issue for any teacher is when and how to correct students English mistakes. Of course, there are a number of types of corrections that teachers are expected to make during the course of any given class. Here are the main types of mistakes that need to be corrected: Grammatical mistakes (mistakes of verb tenses, ​preposition use, etc.)Vocabulary mistakes (incorrect collocations, idiomatic phrase usage, etc.)Pronunciation mistakes (errors in basic pronunciation, errors in word stressing in sentences, errors in rhythm and pitch)Written mistakes (grammar, spelling and vocabulary choice mistakes in written work) The main issue at hand during oral work is whether or not to correct students as they make mistakes. Mistakes may be numerous and in various areas (grammar, vocabulary choice, the pronunciation of both words and correct stressing in sentences). On the other hand, correction of written work boils down to how much correction should be done. In other words, should teachers correct every single mistake, or, should they give a value judgment and correct only major mistakes? Mistakes Made During Discussions and Activities With oral mistakes made during class discussions, there are basically two schools of thought: 1) Correct often and thoroughly 2) Let students make mistakes. Sometimes, teachers refine the choice by choosing to let beginners make many mistakes while correcting advanced students often. However, many teachers are taking a third route these days. This third route might be called selective correction. In this case, the teacher decides to correct only certain errors. Which errors will be corrected is usually decided by the objectives of the lesson, or the specific exercise that is being done at that moment. In other words, if students are focusing on simple past irregular forms, then only mistakes in those forms are corrected (i.e., goed, thinked, etc.). Other mistakes, such as mistakes in a future form, or mistakes of collocations (for example I made my homework) are ignored. Finally, many teachers also choose to correct students after the fact. Teachers take notes on common mistakes that students make. During the follow-up correction session, the teacher then presents common mistakes made so that all can benefit from an analysis of which mistakes were made and why. Written Mistakes There are three basic approaches to correcting written work: 1) Correct each mistake 2) Give a general impression marking 3) Underline mistakes and/or give clues to the type of mistakes made and then let students correct the work themselves. Whats All the Fuss About? There are two main points to this issue: If I allow students to make mistakes, I will reinforce the errors they are making. Many teachers feel that if they do not correct mistakes immediately, they will be helping reinforce incorrect language production skills. This point of view is also reinforced by students who often expect teachers to continually correct them during class. The failure to do so will often create suspicion on the part of the students. If I dont allow students to make mistakes, I will take away from the natural learning process required to achieve competency and, eventually, fluency. Learning a language is a long process during which a learner will inevitably make many, many mistakes. In other words, we take a myriad of tiny steps going from not speaking a language to being fluent in the language. In the opinion of many teachers, students who are continually corrected become inhibited and cease to participate. This results in the exact opposite of what the teacher is trying to produce: the use of English to communicate. Why Correction Is Necessary Correction is necessary. The argument that students just need to use the language and the rest will come by itself seems rather weak. Students come to us to teach them. If they only want conversation, they will probably inform us, or, they might just go to a chat room on the Internet. Obviously, students need to be corrected as part of the learning experience. However, students also need to be encouraged to use the language. It is true that correcting students while they are trying their best to use the language can often discourage them. The most satisfactory solution of all is to make correction an activity. Correction can be used as a follow-up to any given class activity. However, correction sessions can be used as a valid activity in and of themselves. In other words, teachers can set up an activity during which each mistake (or a specific type of mistake) will be corrected. Students know that the activity is going to focus on correction and accept that f act. However, these activities should be kept in balance with other, more free-form, activities which give students the opportunity to express themselves without having to worry about being corrected every other word. Finally, other techniques should be used to make correction not only part of the lesson but also a more effective learning tool for the students. These techniques include: Deferring correction to the end of an activityTaking notes on typical mistakes made by many studentsCorrecting only one type of errorGiving students clues to the type of error they are making (in written work) but allowing them to correct the mistakes themselvesAsking other students to remark on mistakes made and then explain the rules by themselves. A great technique for getting teacher pets listening instead of answering each question themselves. However, use this with caution! Correction is not an either/or issue. Correction needs to take place and is expected and desired by students. However, the manner in which teachers correct students play a vital role in whether students become confident in their usage or become intimidated. Correcting students as a group, in correction sessions, at the end of activities, and letting them correct their own mistakes all help in encouraging students to use English rather than to worry about making too many mistakes.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Taking a Look at Hopelessness - 640 Words
When you think about hopelessness The first thing appears in your mind is you don’t have a goal or you cannot reach your dream or your plans falling down. When you saw a person who don’t care about Their life, their looks, and their close folks immediately you try to know what happened to this guy or girl. From life experiences you can recognize and know what is going on to the people who feel hopeless, but the true meaning that you have to know what hopeless mean. You don’t know what hopeless mean at least if you had an experience with it, you can use a dictionary, but you cannot know the intrinsic meaning because the experiences are the only way to know any meaning of words. There are many things shows to me what hopeless mean. Social Situation, a lifestyle change, and Find the main reason for the occurrence of these changes. Hopelessness is not that thing become in specific situations. For example: we can find people their social situation are completely different. Like some of them are rich, and some are poor, some are celebrities, and some are not famous. However there is a link between them they have all the possibility to expose to despair. some of rich and celebrities people do or have all what they want easily that made them feel like they don’t have a reason to continue their life they lose the goal and meaning of life, instead of that you will find some poor people living happily, suffer harshly for making a living, but they have the meaning of life. theShow MoreRelatedThe Use Of The Beck Hopelessness Scale ( Bhs )1190 Words  | 5 Pagesclient admits to alcohol dependency on a consistant and regular basis because the loss of job. The client exhibits hopelessness and depression. The client has explained they experiencing insomnia, and decreased energy to do anything. This explains their poor personal hygiene. As the clinician the safety of the client is of the utmost importance. 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At any one point in time, 5%-9% of women and 2%-3% of men are likely to be clinically depressed. Although major depressionRead MoreIn Homecoming by Cynthia Voigt, Dicey, age 13, James, age 10, Maybeth, age 9, and Sammy, age 6, are1400 Words  | 6 Pagessymbolizes all four children’s hardships, their hopelessness, and their poverty. Another symbol is the sailboat, and it symbolizes the hope the children need and Dicey’s want to be accepted and taken in by her grandmother. Eunice’s dress for Maybeth is another symbol, and it symbolizes embarrassment and a desire to hide problems. One symbol in the story is the long road the children travel on and it symbolizes all four children’s hardships, their hopelessness, and their poverty. Moreover, on the road,Read MoreHopelessness In Heart Is A Lonely Hunter Essay1480 Words  | 6 PagesHopelessness in The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter Carson McCullers novel, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, takes place in a small town in the deep south during the mid-twentieth century. The book closely follows a diverse group of five residents that are loosely tied together. They include Singer, a deaf mute, Benedict Copeland, a well educated black doctor, Jake Blount, a politically zealous transient, Mick Kelly, a young girl, and Biff Brannon, a middle aged man that owns a diner. As the book progressesRead MoreThe Blame Game By Eugene O Neill s Long Day s Journey Into Night1397 Words  | 6 Pagesself-defense†(Costello 79). O’Neill proves throughout the play that each character imposes blame on Mary’s drug addiction, Tyrone’s stinginess, and Edmund’s birth to avoid the guilt of his or her own wrongdoings that ultimately lead to the isolation and hopelessness of the family. Throughout the play, O’Neill writes a multitude of lines that reference Mary’s drug addiction without explicitly stating her state of mind. Tyrone, in an argument with Mary, states â€Å"No, it can never be now. But it was one, beforeRead MoreCauses Of Youth Suicide1316 Words  | 6 Pagesvideo games etc., which tend to glorify violence and death (McWhirter et al, 2017). Another risk factor of youth committing suicide, actually knows someone that has attempted or committed suicide (Cerel, Roberts, Nilsen, 2005). An at risk youth may look at their friend’s suicide or loved one’s suicide as a way to end their own life of misery. Studies have shown that the risk of suicide attempts increases two to four times higher after being exposed to someone’s suicide and may also lead to suicideRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Autumn Begins On Martins Ferry Ohio 1066 Words  | 5 Pagesthe ways that individuals afflicted by poverty were able to escape the reality of their conditions.Wright’s open form poem follows a narrator s thoughts of his immediate and regional surroundings while watching a high school football game. One may look at this poem as the football game providing not just a mental escape for the parents and townspeople, but also hope for the sons to make it out of the area. However, there are evident negative undercu rrents that merit deeper examination. While a positiveRead MoreReflection On Depression1025 Words  | 5 Pageson didn’t make sense. While he was alive he took care of all the bills and insured that I was taking care of. It was a scary feeling to pick up the pieces where he left off and to continue living in this foreign country. The pain of this depressive order caused me to push anyone away from me, because I didn’t trust anyone. My brother in-law didn’t do anything to guide me through the issues, such as taking care of my husband or deciding what to do with our finances. He just wanted everything for himself
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