Saturday, November 30, 2019
R01306920 - 30 min Essays - Alphabet Inc., World Wide Web, Computing
R01306920 - 30 min Robert Phelan Orientation Group 4 6/30/2017 11:30 am In today's rapid fast world of information and sharing, it can be hard to determine what is correct, what is wrong, what is biased, and what is not. And to solve this vexing problem, search engines such as Google came into existence to help ease and categorize the vast wealth of knowledge on the internet and make it more readily available to others. On paper this idea sounds great, but when put into action, problems can arise involving biases and discrimination. This is what Carole Cadwalladr set out to expose, and to call on a change with our search engines and their algorithmic biases. As she states in her article, and which can even be done by going on the phone in your pocket, Google search has been tainted with all kinds of slanderous and offensive websites making such statements as "Hitler was a good guy" and "women are evil". And as Cadwalladr points out as well, these websites being so open on search engine sites is just allowing the spread of such heinous ideologies and havi ng an impact on such worldly events as the Brexit Vote and Trump being elected. But how true is this statement? Not very. Cadwalladr brings up some very valid points in which she calls on Google to rectify their maligned search results and wishes they could provide sources on education rather than hatred to the masses of people that use their website every day. And while this is certainly a goal we should all strive for with our international online community, it can only be attained by the people who use the internet. Cadwalladr repeatedly blames Google for all of these hateful search results and tries to tie in other political factors such as Trump and "Right Wing Ideology", when in reality the people who control what Google displays online or in their search bar is simply: People. Google uses all their search data and bases what you and others might search based off of the people looking things up in the geographical range around you. So when Cadwalladr tries to fabricate that there is some kind of ensuing "information War" between the bad right and the good left, there really is not much consistency there. Even in page 5 of the Article she clearly states: "Did such micro-targeted propaganda - currently legal - swing the Brexit vote? We have no way of knowing." And goes on to even say: "Did the same methods used by Cabridge Analytica help Trump to victory? Again, we have no way of knowing." After reading this, it was quite apparent that while Carole Cadwalladr meant for a positive change and spreading awareness of internet biases, she was really trying to undermine conflicting political interests with her own. Rather than trying to create a firm academic paper based around the dangers that this careless searching could provide, Cadwalladr simply tried to throw her own political beliefs and fears to her audience of readers.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Crocodiles essays
Crocodiles essays The crocodiles seem to know a herd of wildebeest has arrived before anyone else does. The most ferocious group of crocodiles is in line along the shore awaiting a chance to capture one of the wildebeest. After a series of weeks, the seasonal river shrinks into a series of pools. This makes it even harder for animals to get something to drink without getting attacked by a crocodile, some of which are eighteen feet, weigh almost a ton, and can move at extremely deadly speeds. On top of this, the crocodiles will eat anything they can The crocodile is a cold-blooded reptile with a very slow metabolism; therefore, they can last six months or longer without eating. Many of the crocodiles only eat when these herds come. The herds are easier targets because many of the wildebeest, especially calves, have never seen a crocodile before. The impalas, baboons, and warthogs that live there year-round have learned when and when not to approach the river. The crocodiles annual feast on the unexpecting wildebeest in the Grumeti River has proven these crocodiles to be very strong and deadly. ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
A Project Scope Management
A Project Scope Management Scope is the description of the boundaries of the project. It defines what the project will deliver and what it will not deliver. Scope is the view all stakeholders have from the project; it is a definition of the limits of the project. Project Scope Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required to complete the project successfully. Project scope management’s primary concern is with defining and controlling what is and is not included in the project. One of the leading causes for project failures is poor management of the project scope, either because the project manager did not spend enough time defining the work, there was not an agreement on the scope by stakeholders, or there was a lack of scope management which leads to adding work not authorized or budgeted to the project, this is known as scope creep. Scope creep, or the uncontrolled changes in a project’s scope, is the tendency o f a project to include more tasks than originally specified, which often leads to higher than planned project costs and an extension of the project end date (Cook-Davies, T. 2002) The purpose of scope change management is to protect the viability of the approved Project Contract (or agreement) and the approved Project Logical Framework (Logframe). In other words, the Project Contract defines the overall scope of the project, and the Logframe which establish a causal link between inputs, processes, outputs, outcomes and objectives of the project. It is not possible to assume there will be no changes during the life of the project. For example, changes may come from the beneficiaries who want additional deliverables, then the initial estimates for budget, and schedule may no longer be valid. If the donor agrees to include the new work into the project scope, the project manager has the right to expect that the current budget and deadline will be modified (usually increased) to reflect this additional work. This new estimated cost, effort and duration now become the approved target (Cook-Davies, T. 2002) All changes to the project scope must be approved by management and the donor; this is one of the principal requirements for scope management. This is not to say the objective of scope management is to avoid any changes to the initial agreement; development projects, due to their nature are initiated mostly on general assumptions. It is expected that as the project makes progress, additional information will lead to new insights that require the project to change its approach and its plans. The purpose of scope management is to establish a process that will allow the incorporation of changes by ensuring the changes contribute to the ultimate goal of the project, changes are agreed by stakeholders and approved by management and the donor. Scope management consists of a series of tasks and steps designed to help the project manager manage the project deliverables, the steps are: (Cook-Davies, T. 2002) Defining the Scope Assigning Scope Work Verifying the Scope Adapting the Scope DEFINING PROJECT SCOPE
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Goldman Sachs Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Goldman Sachs - Term Paper Example 2.A.i. Key Products and Services 7 2.A.ii.Function of Products and Services in the World of Investments 7 2.A.iii. Goldman Sachs’ Role in IPOs 8 2.B. Goldman Sachs’ Influence on the Capital Markets 8 2.B.i. Positive Influences 8 2.B.ii. Debated Influences Among Investors and other Firms/Companies 9 3. Role of Goldman Sachs in China 10 3.A. Key Investment Areas in China 10 3.A.i. Key Areas of Interest of Goldman Sachs in China 10 3.A.ii. Successful Cases/Engagements in China 11 3.B. Valuing China’s Present Economic Situation 11 3.B.i. Current Investment Climate in China- Views 11 3.B.ii. Forecasts for Future Prospects in China 11 4. Conclusion 12 4.A. Goldman Sachs’ Performance in the World of Investments 12 4.B. Goldman Sachs’ Role in China 12 References 13 1. Introduction to Goldman Sachs 1.A. Goldman Sachs History Goldman Sachs is an American investment bank that has its roots in Manhattan in New York City, having been founded there in 1869, with its key competencies being in general investment banking, financial services, the management of investments, and securities. It leads the world in the management of mergers and acquisitions, the provision of services tied to underwriting, the management of assets, as well as prime brokerage services that it is able to provide to individuals, companies, and countries. Once unassailable and with a pristine reputation built over its lifetime, the bank had seen its reputation and standing in the banking community tarnished as a result of its actuations during the financial crisis that erupted from 2007 and whose after effects are still being felt up to the present day. From its founding by Marcus Goldman in 1869, the firm emerged by the early part of the 20th century as one of the premier banking entities in the US, with expertise and market leadership in the establishment of the market for initial public offerings or IPOs. It was during the time after that, however, that the firm evolved from a trading company to an investment banking entity. The firm further evolved and developed into the 1999’s, to the point where it was able to launch its IPO of its own shares in 1999, transferring about 12 percent ownership of the firm into the hands of the investing public. Throughout this time and after, key personnel in Goldman Sachs went on to become key public officials managing the nation’s finances, as well as key executives in some of the country’s and the world’s major financial institutions, including Merrill Lynch and Citigroup. On the other hand, the controversies surrounding the alleged role of Goldman Sachs in inducing the financial crisis in 2007 and of aggravating the crisis have largely resulted in the reputation and fortunes of the investment bank being heavily hit in recent years, putting into doub t even its future prospects as a going concern and as a bastion of the capitalist system (Answers Corporation, 2012; Google, 2012; Thomson Reuters, 2012; Goldman Sachs, 2012; Taibbi, 2011; Taibbi, 2009; Smith, 2012). 1.B. Goldman Sachs Background The key activities of Goldman Sachs worldwide revolve around the management of investments, investment banking and securities management, as well as the provision of related financial services to countries, rich people, individuals, as well as corporations and other related entities. Its four business segments reflect its core businesses, which are Investment Management, Lending and Investing, Investment Banking, and Institutional Client Services. It has presence in key financial centers all over the world by way of vital offices, while being present likewise in a total of 30 countries Its key officers are the following (Google, 2012; Reuters Thomson, 2012): Lloyd C. Blankfein Chairman of the Board, Chief
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
An introduction and conclusion for literature review in finance Essay
An introduction and conclusion for literature review in finance (preparing for my dissertation) - Essay Example USA Petrochemical Industry Despite of the rise in the global demand for the petrochemical products, the USA petrochemical industry is facing increasing competition in the petrochemical export market. With supply of the natural gas by using the comprehensive pipe line system to both receive the raw materials as well as to deliver the finished products. So, it is expected that the US petrochemical industry would revive sooner than the other competitors. Furthermore, economic trade group such as NAFTA would contribute further to its growth. Political & Legal Factors The petrochemical industry in USA is governed by several laws and regulations. The hazardous materials transportation act and the pollution prevention act are significant among these. According to the first act, the Department of Transportation gets the authority to control the transportation of such materials including the petrochemicals. Furthermore, the USA government has become increasingly active and concerned about the safety and environmental areas for this petrochemical transportation.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Effective Study Skills Essay Example for Free
Effective Study Skills Essay Why it is so hard to concentrate while studying, or even to study effectively? The hardest part of studying is concentrating on the material at hand. Memorizing everything is nearly impossible, but with a better understanding of effective memorization skills you can improve your memorization skills surely. Did you know that the most effective method of studying is to use notes, or note-cards? Some people actually have trouble taking notes, due to improper note taking methods. Although there are many different methods for effective study skills, there are three that have been proven to be the most effective: concentration, memorization, and ote taking skills. Have you ever found yourself reading a paragraph, and when you finish you think to yourself, What did I Just read? Well 10 and behold; it happens to the best of us. One proven method of concentration is to get yourself into a quite, but not completely silent to where you hear yourself think, environment. Also if you will adjust yourself to where you are not slouching or hunching over, as these positions tend to make you ache or get sleepy. The next step is to read at a steady pace, not too fast to where you forget and not to slow to where you read the same thing over and If youre like me then you probably forget a lot of things you read on a daily basis. I sometimes find myself wishing I was like a computer and I could Just store anything and everything, except for viruses. We, as human beings, cannot and will not ever be able to remember everything; however we can remember key items, but only with the proper techniques. The key to remembrance is to review more than once, and take breaks in between your study sessions. Also be sure to prioritize what you plan to study and how you plan to conduct your study sessions. Another proven memorization technique is to take notes, which we will discuss next. Proper note taking is probably the hardest of the three steps, due to most people not knowing what to take note of. Many people can take notes great, but some have trouble knowing what to write down, or if the note they Just wrote is even note- worthy. Any form of note-taking that requires compilation of information by categories, rather than in narrative form is best done using index cards. Index cards are a life saver when it comes to taking notes, and the best part is you can use them for Q ; A, highlights, key points, or even paraphrasing. One of the best pieces of advice is that if the note doesnt sound note-worthy, its probably not. Effective study skills can mean the difference between an A and a B. In most cases it can make a world of difference in your school of choice or even your life long career decisions. Many people today think that they had it rough when they went through school, well in my young age, we too have it rough and the only way to stay on top is through self improvement. Just remember the next time you sit down for a study session; concentration is the key, memorization will help you unlock the door, and taking notes will hopefully keep you from forgetting to lock it behind you. Effective Study Skills By hahaitsmine
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Service Learning :: Papers
For my psychology paper I chose to do Service Learning. I volunteered 20 hours at the Benton County Women's Shelter. I enjoyed the time that I served there. They really made me feel needed and welcome. I decided, however, that I would not be capable of a career in this field. Just in the small amount of time that I volunteered there my heart wrenched for the girls there. I felt helpless to do more for them. And yes, I even felt sorry for them. That is not to say that I am not going to continuing volunteering. I have arranged with the organization to volunteer two Saturday's a month. Perhaps it is me that is weak. I suppose to some degree we are all weak. But the women I encountered there had the confidence of a child just beginning to walk: determined, but shaky. I couldn't watch the inner conflict and pain these women endure on a daily basis. I have gained a respect and admiration for those who can. However, my chosen field of study is Public Relations and it is my ho pe to someday gain a position at a charitable organization and become a spokeswoman for a greater cause. The Benton County Women's Shelter is a non-profit organization, a corporation with an overall purpose to work towards alleviating the problems of family violence. They provide shelter, counseling and financial assistances to women in an effort to instill a sense of self-purpose and self-esteem. I learned within my first hours of service what a benefit this service is to the women there. Without it, several would have no where to go. However, through my volunteer work, I seemed to see the same pattern repeat itself over and over. The women had little or no self-esteem. Most came from poverty situations. All of the women I encountered had children. All seemed unsure of their ability to support themselves and their children. Alcohol reappeared over and over again. Aggression problems surfaced in both the women and their children. Mostly, all just seemed lost and were searching for a source of comfort and security. That is what we do at the Benton County Women's Shelter. We give the women a sense of self-worth. We teach them how to beat the cycle of abuse.
Monday, November 11, 2019
International Financial Reporting Standards and Revenue Recognition
Revenue recognition is a very important component of financial accounting and reporting. The accounting principles governing revenue recognition can have a big impact on corporate accounting and the way contracts are structured with customers. As a part of ongoing discussions to converge U. S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), some proposals to change revenue recognition have been discussed. The following will discuss revenue recognition as it stands under U. S. GAAP and IFRS, as well as proposed changes to the revenue recognition principle. Revenue Recognition under U. S. GAAP Staff Accounting Bulletin, Topic 13 states, â€Å"The staff believes that revenue generally is realized or realizable and earned when all of the following criteria are met: 1. Persuasive evidence of an arrangement exists; 2. Deliver has occurred or services have been rendered; 3. the seller’s price to the buyer is fixed or determinable; and 4. Collectability is reasonably assured. †Revenue recognition under U. S. GAAP can vary depending on industry, but the criteria listed by Topic 13 are generally applied when recognizing revenue. Guidance for industry specific principles are covered under other U. S. GAAP pronouncements. Also under U. S. GAAP, â€Å"any costs or losses that may be expected in connection with any returns shall be accrued in accordance with FASB St. No. 5 Accounting for Contingencies. Sales revenue and costs of sales reported in the income statement shall be reduced to reflect estimated returns†(FAS 48 par. 7). Revenue Recognition under IFRS. Under IFRS, guidance regarding revenue recognition are governed under two general accounting standards. According to IFRS, â€Å"revenue is recognized when it is probable that future economic benefits will flow to the entity and these benefits can be measured reliably†(IAS 18). Revenue Recognition for specific industries are not addressed under IFRS and these two general accounting standards are applied broadly across various industries. Revenue recognition has been at the forefront of suggested changes regarding convergence to a single set of standards for financial reporting and accounting. Currently under U. S. GAAP, revenue recognition have more stringent criteria and governance can also be industry specific. IFRS differs in that there are only two broadly applied accounting standards when determining when to recognize revenue. The AICPA has announced that the IASB and FASB will move towards issuing a single standard governing revenue recognition. The proposed standard will adopt standards similar to IFRS revenue recognition principles and eliminate U. S. GAAP’s industry specific guidance. The changes will have a tremendous effect on accounting and how businesses operate.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Information Security Essay
†¢What is the difference between a threat agent and a threat? Threat and Threat agent is on page 11. †¢What is the difference between vulnerability and exposure? Exposure page 10. Vunerability page 11. †¢How has the definition of â€Å"hack†evolved over the last 30 years? †¢What type of security was dominant in the early years of computing? Secure physical locations, hardware, and software from threats. Means of badges, keys, and facial recognition by security guards. †¢What are the three components of the C.I.A. triangle? What are they used for? Confidentiality, integrity, availability. Confidentiality page 13. Integrity page 13(bottom) and 14. Availability page 12. †¢Among the five components of an information systems, which are most directly affected by the study of computer security? People I believe †¢What paper is the foundation of all subsequent studies of computer security? It began with Rand Report R-609, sponsored by the Department of Defense, which attempted to define multiple controls and mechanisms necessary for the protection of a multilevel computer system. Page 5 and 6 for more on rand. †¢Who is involved in the security development life cycle? Who leads the process? Senior executive: Champion leads the process. Page 30 shows all of them. †¢Who is ultimately responsible for the security of information in the organization? Chief information security officer page 29 at bottom †¢What is the relationship between the MULTICS project and early development of computer security? †¢What was important about Rand Report R-609? †¢Who decides how and when data in an organization will be used or controlled? Who is responsible for seeing these wishes are carried out? †¢Who should lead a security team? Should the approach to security be more managerial or technical?
Thursday, November 7, 2019
8 Surefire Signs You Need To Change Careers NOW
8 Surefire Signs You Need To Change Careers NOW It can be scary to change careers, but sometimes it’s the absolute right thing to do. Don’t let yourself get stuck in a career rut. If any of these warning signs apply to you, find yourself a new job STAT. 1. Your weekends are always too short.Everybody’s weekends are too short. But yours are really fraught. You get to the office on Monday and by that same afternoon, you’re counting down the hours until Friday. Then you spend most of your weekend dreading Monday morning. Even Sunday is a waste because you’re so miserable thinking about going back to work.2. You’ve lost your passion.Not everyone can be 100% jazzed about their job at all times. But you’re bordering on burnout. There’s no joy taken in any aspect of your work- even the tasks that used to be enjoyable. You can’t quite remember why you work there anymore. You’ve lost your drive. And now you’re really only there for the money, which probably isnâ⠂¬â„¢t that great anyway, and by no means makes up for the apathy and boredom and pervasive emptiness you feel.3. You feel trapped.It’s precisely when you feel that you can’t get out that you should try your hardest to free yourself. Maybe you’re caught in the trap of losing your motivation because you aren’t being challenged. That vicious cycle will only get worse. You’re eternally bored, which drains your energy, and so on, and so on†¦4. You’re envious of, well, everyone.If you find yourself pining for other people’s career situations, that’s a great sign that there’s something wrong with your own. Clean up your own house. Make sure you’re not looking at other people’s lives, but at your own, and making the changes you need to make. Follow your own big dreams.5. Your health is suffering.Often your body will tell you first when you need to switch jobs. Stress can wreak utter havoc on the body- through bad eating habits, high blood pressure, and even heart attacks. If you’re losing vitality and sleep at a job, or if you have tension headaches, achiness, and fatigue, it’s time to listen to what your body is telling you. Find a way out.6. You have zero work-life balance.Your friends don’t even recognize you anymore. You don’t have any time for family or friends. You’re all stress, all the time. You never do the things that used to bring happiness to your home life. Plus, the people closest to you have noticed a change in you for the worst- either in your appearance or demeanor. You’re constantly worn out and depleted. Time for a makeover for both you and your career.7. Everything is a struggle.Your company culture just makes everything so fraught and unpleasant. You can’t think of a single nice thing to say about your job. You don’t even have a positive relationship with your coworkers where you can go out and complain abou t it over lunch. You’re a little bit isolated and a lot frustrated.8. You could do better.You’re sure that your talents and abilities could really make a difference somewhere, but they are wasted here. Don’t be too scared to go for your dream career. Chances are, that’s where your passion and creativity lie- and where you’ll actually enjoy going to work each week.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Critical Analysis on Fools Crow by James Welch Essay
Critical Analysis on Fools Crow by James Welch - Essay Example It is, moreover, the poetry f "singers" like Ray Anthony Young Bear, Simon J. Ortiz, Joy Harjo, Wendy Rose, the late William Oandasan, Geary Hobson, Linda Hogan, and, again, Welch--especially in Riding the Earthboy Forty ( 1971; rev. ed., 1975)--that brings into greater focus the reason for this noticeable recurrence f seemingly antiheroic, alienated, and benumbed protagonists, singers, and speakers at odds with their pasts and the times and places in which they find themselves. It is the simultaneous impetus f atavism and modernism--the need, as Young Bear phrases it, "to be there, standing beside our grandfathers, being ourselves" and by meeting that need, to bring meaning to the twentieth-century predicament. (McCoy 110-112) An exorcism first: this is not "just another Custer book," nor is it unbalanced in any way by James Welch's aboriginal heritage. It is, in fact, a valuably enhanced examination f "the most depicted event in our [American] history" (p. 22). It incorporates the results f recent, innovative research methodology, using topographical and time-motion studies. It benefits, too, from an opportune archeological investigation by a young Canadian archeologist, Richard Fox f the University f Calgary, who conducted a timely dig following a 1983 grassfire which revealingly denuded the Little Bighorn battlefield. Welch had access to his family's oral-tradition accounts (his great-grandmother, Red Paint Woman, survived the Baker Massacre f 1870, about which more later); and by Welch's stylistic gifts (he is an acclaimed poet, novelist, and screenwriter). The book, solidly documented, also bears some well-controlled, reader-friendly hallmarks f "the nonfiction novel." It evolved quite naturally from a year and a half f research which was distilled into a twenty-two page scenario for a PBS documentary film (Last Stand at Little Bighorn, directed by Paul Stekler and aired in late 1992). Welch recapitulates, succinctly and clearly, the context and circumstances f the Little Bighorn disaster, focusing consistently and persuasively on the broad complex f cultural, economic, and philosophical factors which, conjoined, made that event inevitable. He does not indulge himself in Custer-bashing, so irresistibly tempting to so many recent non-Native investigators. Nor does he romanticize the often unsophisticated -- and, at times, hapless -- late nineteenth century Blackfeet; he is, on occasion, bluntly condemnatory, even though he clearly understands the almost irresistible pressures which undermined effectual Native solidarity then and now. (G ish 309-11) He is unblinking in his assessment f the basic motives f both sides: the whites wanted the vast northwestern hunting grounds f the Natives; the Natives, eager for the material trade goods which would make their hard lives easier, were willing to cede some f their land. There was, unfortunately, never any chance that a just exchange was possible. Welch points out, sardonically but without much rancor, that western Plains aboriginals lost their holistic lifestyle when the buffalo were transmuted by planned, systematic slaughter into fur coats, industrial belting, and bonemeal for the eastern industries f the whites; they were also degraded by
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Service Starbuck's Style Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Service Starbuck's Style - Case Study Example Miss Day has identified from the research which the company has done that customers are waiting too long to get their coffee. She proposes to ``invest additional $40 million annually in the company's 4,500 stores, which would allow each store to add the equivalent of 20 hours of labor a week.`` Customers who were surveyed noted that the length of time they had to wait was too long, and the research also found that the typical customer base was also changing. The team also learned that, although the company's most frequent customers averaged 18visits a month, the typical customer visited just five times a month (see Figure A below). This is a key element of marketing that the customer base is changing. The most frequent customers are less affluent and spend less money per visit. Therefore, to accommodate this change, Starbucks needs to do two things: provide faster service and increase the visits from the new customer base. According to the graph above, the new base comprises 80% of the traffic but visits fewer than eight times per month. Since this base is less affluent, they contribute only 40% of the total transactions for revenue. However, the waiting time for service may be contributing greatly to the fewer visits, since the less affluent base is likely to have less leisure time. As long as Starbucks continues to provide high-quality beverages and a welcoming atmosphere, their affluent customer base will continue to visit up to 18 times per month, and their contribution of 60% of the revenue in stores will continue. It is the new customer base that has to become more pleased with the service, and increasing the throughput will likely increase this base also as word gets around that waiting time is short. Lessening the waiting time for service will make the entire customer base happier, so will not cause any harm to the 60% transactions.
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